
PROFILE|高田明美オフィシャルホームページ ~ Angels ~

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 高田 明美

フリーになってからの代表アニメーション作品に『うる星やつら』『魔法の天使 クリィミーマミ』『きまぐれオレンジ☆ロード』『機動警察パトレイバー』『魔法のステージ ファンシーララ』等がある。
Since my childfood, I have been much involved in drawing.
Place of birth : Tokyo
Star sign : Aries
I majored in graphic design at Tama Art University and joined Tatsunoko Production Co., Ltd. after graduation.
At Tatsunoko Production, I specialized in character design as a profession.
The projects that I worked on after turning freelance:
Urusei Yatsura / LAM, THE INVADER GIRL
Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel
Kimagure Orange Road
Mobile Police Patlabor
The Magic Stage FANCY LALA
Original Artwork Exhibitions were held in U.S.A., Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
Personal art exhibition and group art exhibition are regularly held in Japan.
多くのアニメーションが日本から世界へ輸出されています。多くの日本のアニメーションが世界で視聴されている昨今、日本の「かわいい」の普遍的な イメージは、一時の、あるいは局所的な流行を超えて、今やコミック・アート界で の世界標準になりつつあります。
私、高田明美も既に多くの作品で、可愛さや美しさを追求して来ました。キャラ クターデザインのみならず、ここ10年以上ジュエリーデザインにも興味を持 ち、創作の多様性を広げています。様々な分野で、その世界観を表現したい意欲はますます募るばかりです。
その、すべての創作のベースとなるには、やはりキャラクターデザイン。いつでも、誰でもが「可愛い」「美しい」と思えるデザインを目指していま す。アニメのみならず、イメージキャラクター、キャンペーンキャラクター、ロゴ等、幸福感いっぱいの可愛いキャラクターをお望みなら、ぜひご連絡 ください。
★Japanese origin “Kawaii”, spreading out to the world!
Nowadays, Japanese animations are broadcasted in many countries around the world.  Under this circumstance, the Japanese concept of “Kawaii” (cuteness) has been also introduced to the world and like “Anime”, the word of “Kawaii” started to be used as a general language by young people in the world.  In other words, “Kawaii” has gained a global recognition in the fields of Comics, Animation and Art.
In my whole career, I have pursued one main theme, “beauty and cuteness“.
I have engaged in character design for all of my career.  Like “Urusei Yatsura”, “Creamy Mami”, “Kimagure Oragne Road” and “Mobile Police Patlabor”, many of my projects have gained high reputation around the world.  In recent years, my passion to delve into “beauty and cuteness“ has led me to the world of jewelry designs. Beyond the field of character design, my world has become diversified more and more.
However, character design is the bedrock for my creation.  I alwasy aspire to create something everyone can find “beauty and cuteness“ in there.
If you share the same vision I have and would like to work with me in any field, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I would love to hear your plan & thoughts.


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